Seandainya para pemimpin di instansi manapun mampu melaksanakan 5M, saya pikir kita akan solid dan kuat. Monggo disimak :
sumber :
Dalam khasanah budaya Jawa, terdapat paugeran atau rambu-rambu yang harus menjadi fokus pencermatan bagi seorang-orang yang merasa dirinya sebagau pemimpin. Paugeran itu adalah:
Mulat; (mengetahui).
Bagi seorang orang pemimpin hendaknya 'mulat yakni mengetahui keberadaan atau keadaan rakyatnya dari dekat. Utamanya ketika terjadi musibah, seperti bencana penyakit, bencana alam atau lainnya.Dalam arti yang terdalam seorang-orang yang menyatakan dirinya sebagai pemimpin adalah manusia yang memiliki tingat empati yang tingg. Sifat ini juga disarankan kepada seorang guru, sehingga mengerti secara utuh segenap persoalan yang dimiliki sang murid. Mulat juga dapat diartikan kemampuan mencermati/mengamati, atau memonitor setiap dinamika perkembangan yang dimiliki rakyat.
Milala; (bombong; mem-bombong, membesarkan hati, atau memuji).
Bagi seorang-orang yang menyatakan dirinya sebagai pemimpin, dan ketika melihat keadaan rakyatnya sedang dirundung malang akibat musibah atau petaka lainnya, ia harus membesarakan hati rakyatnya, memberikan semangat agar bangkit dari duka-nestapa, dan tidak larut dalam kedukaan yang terdalam. Bagi seorang guru milala identik dengan upaya memberikan motivasi agar mengalir energi potensial yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Energi ini biasanya merupakan energi yang tersimpan, manakala terdapat pematik [stimulan] dari luar, serta merta energi ini dapat dibangkitkan.Dalam penerapannya harus dilakukan sebagai usaha sadar pembangkit, bukan sebaliknya sebagai alat untuk “ngembosi”, atau “njlomprongke” [pujian yang menjerumuskan]
Miluta, (bimbing; membimbing, menagarahkan atau menunjukkan kesalahannya).
Seorang-orang yang mengaku dirinya sebagai pemimpin, sangat ditungu-tunggu nasihatnya, sehingga rakyat akan selalu berada di rel yang benar. Demikian halnya bagi seorang guru atau orang tua; setelah bombong [membombong=memuji] anak atau siswanya, selanjutnya harus diikuti dengan bimbingan. Sehingga rakyat akan tetap terawat pada patron yang benar.
Palidarma (memberikan teladan/contoh).
Rambu-rambu palidarma dalam hal ini sudah sangat populer; yakni sebagai seorang pemimpin, orang tua atau guru, harus dapat memberikan teladan yang indah dan baik—falsafah, Ki Hadjar Dewantara “ Ing ngarsa sun tuladha"
Palimarma (memberikan maaf atau memaafkan).
Seorang pemimpin yang bijak diharapkan gampang memberikan maaf kesalahan rakyatnya. Pemimpin harus berani meminta maaf, mengaku kesalahan dikala salah. Juga bagi seorang guru, murah dan mudah memaafkan adalah bagian dari citra dirinya.
Kamis, 30 April 2009
menyambut hari pendidikan nasional....
On may 2, every years Indonesia celebrates national education day.
Some questions will appear and courage my self to study further about the essential of education :
Is education important to a successful career in industry? amongs us perhaps often ask why education is important with respect to one’s career, particularly in the healthcare industry. Some people also want to know how education can impact overall quality of life, in addition to the impact education has on one's career.
Many job seekers, some who have years of experience, may not even be considered for a job, or they may be passed over for a candidate who has a degree, or more education, but has less experience. Why?
Lets we see the interesting analysis by Andrea Santiago ,
Answer: Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways!
Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is, an education of some sort is often paramount to future success. Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that you have a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas to achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
Subject Matters:
Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the subject matter and basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life. For example:
English and language skills: English and language skills will help you to communicate your ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role – whether you’re dealing with co-workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, you will need to effectively convey your plans, ideas, goals, and such.
Math and science skills: Although calculators and computers are readily accessible, you still need to learn how to do basic computations and calculations on paper or in your head. If you are calculating dosages, counting surgical supplies, or tallying sales, math skills are imperative for a career, and for life. Cooking, shopping, driving, and many other everyday activities require math skills as well, regardless of your career choice.
The more you LEARN, the more you EARN:
Have you ever noticed that the word LEARN contains the word EARN? Perhaps that is because the higher level of education you achieve, the higher level of income you are likely to command as well. For example, consider the following health careers and the educational requirements as they relate to annual income:
Medical jobs, no college degree: Pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average
Allied Health Careers, two years of college: Pay from $40,000-60,000 annually.
Nursing Careers, Associate's or Bachelor Degree: Pay $40,000-55,000 on average annually.
Advanced Nursing Careers, Master's Degree required: Pay $60,000-90,000+ annually.
Pharmacist, Bachelor's, + PharmD: Pay $90,000-115,000 annually.
Physician, Medical Doctorate required: Pay $120,000-$500,000+ annually
Are you seeing the trend here? Clearly, education is important for financial growth in the healthcare field, as with many other careers.
Many Employers Now Require Education for Employment:
Another primary reason education is important, is that it’s become a basic requirement for so many employers, to even get your foot in the door. Many employers require college level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. The fewer years of education you’ve completed, the fewer doors are open to you. It’s that simple.
Educational requirements are a quick and easy way to narrow down the field of applicants, especially in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. When hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer those who have completed the higher level of education.
Why has education become so important to employers? In working with hiring managers to conduct candidate searches, it seems that the education requirement has become a barrier for entry into many careers, because education allows you to:
Learn how to learn. School teaches you how to gather, learn, and apply knowledge. No matter what career you choose, you will need to learn procedures, information, and skills related to your job, and execute tasks based on that information and training.
Develop interpersonal skills. School allows you to interact with other people and refine your communication skills, including those of persuasion, conflict resolution, and teamwork.
Learn time and task management.Learn how to manage projects, deadlines, and complete assignments efficiently and effectively.
Learn from experience of others. By attending school, you are able to learn from the experience and intellect of thousands of people who have gone before you. In just a few years, through your textbooks, research, and class lessons, school gives you a consolidated overview of theories, formulas, ideologies, and experiments conducted by generations of scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and other experts. While gaining your own personal work experience is helpful too, a formal education is a way to learn from centuries of others’ life and work and academic experience before you.
As you can see, education is important to everyone, but education is even more important in the healthcare industry. Why?
Technology, math and science are key components of many healthcare roles: Healthcare careers often require knowledge and understanding of the sciences, and technology. These fields are always changing and growing with new developments and discoveries. Therefore it’s imperative to have a basic understanding you can build on with continuing education throughout your career, to keep up with the latest changes and new information.
Health professionals have a huge responsibility for the health, well-being, and survival of others. Therefore, health professionals must be particularly adept and relating to other people, learning and gathering information about a patient, and applying it to the treatment and care of that patient based on medical knowledge.
For many healthcare roles, degrees and certifications are required for licensure to practice in a certain capacity. Many allied healthcare jobs require at least an associate’s degree, most nurses need bachelor’s degrees, and physicians and advanced practice nurses must have many years of post-graduate training to include master’s and doctorate degrees.
Some questions will appear and courage my self to study further about the essential of education :
Is education important to a successful career in industry? amongs us perhaps often ask why education is important with respect to one’s career, particularly in the healthcare industry. Some people also want to know how education can impact overall quality of life, in addition to the impact education has on one's career.
Many job seekers, some who have years of experience, may not even be considered for a job, or they may be passed over for a candidate who has a degree, or more education, but has less experience. Why?
Lets we see the interesting analysis by Andrea Santiago ,
Answer: Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways!
Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is, an education of some sort is often paramount to future success. Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that you have a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas to achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
Subject Matters:
Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the subject matter and basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life. For example:
English and language skills: English and language skills will help you to communicate your ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role – whether you’re dealing with co-workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, you will need to effectively convey your plans, ideas, goals, and such.
Math and science skills: Although calculators and computers are readily accessible, you still need to learn how to do basic computations and calculations on paper or in your head. If you are calculating dosages, counting surgical supplies, or tallying sales, math skills are imperative for a career, and for life. Cooking, shopping, driving, and many other everyday activities require math skills as well, regardless of your career choice.
The more you LEARN, the more you EARN:
Have you ever noticed that the word LEARN contains the word EARN? Perhaps that is because the higher level of education you achieve, the higher level of income you are likely to command as well. For example, consider the following health careers and the educational requirements as they relate to annual income:
Medical jobs, no college degree: Pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average
Allied Health Careers, two years of college: Pay from $40,000-60,000 annually.
Nursing Careers, Associate's or Bachelor Degree: Pay $40,000-55,000 on average annually.
Advanced Nursing Careers, Master's Degree required: Pay $60,000-90,000+ annually.
Pharmacist, Bachelor's, + PharmD: Pay $90,000-115,000 annually.
Physician, Medical Doctorate required: Pay $120,000-$500,000+ annually
Are you seeing the trend here? Clearly, education is important for financial growth in the healthcare field, as with many other careers.
Many Employers Now Require Education for Employment:
Another primary reason education is important, is that it’s become a basic requirement for so many employers, to even get your foot in the door. Many employers require college level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. The fewer years of education you’ve completed, the fewer doors are open to you. It’s that simple.
Educational requirements are a quick and easy way to narrow down the field of applicants, especially in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. When hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer those who have completed the higher level of education.
Why has education become so important to employers? In working with hiring managers to conduct candidate searches, it seems that the education requirement has become a barrier for entry into many careers, because education allows you to:
Learn how to learn. School teaches you how to gather, learn, and apply knowledge. No matter what career you choose, you will need to learn procedures, information, and skills related to your job, and execute tasks based on that information and training.
Develop interpersonal skills. School allows you to interact with other people and refine your communication skills, including those of persuasion, conflict resolution, and teamwork.
Learn time and task management.Learn how to manage projects, deadlines, and complete assignments efficiently and effectively.
Learn from experience of others. By attending school, you are able to learn from the experience and intellect of thousands of people who have gone before you. In just a few years, through your textbooks, research, and class lessons, school gives you a consolidated overview of theories, formulas, ideologies, and experiments conducted by generations of scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and other experts. While gaining your own personal work experience is helpful too, a formal education is a way to learn from centuries of others’ life and work and academic experience before you.
As you can see, education is important to everyone, but education is even more important in the healthcare industry. Why?
Technology, math and science are key components of many healthcare roles: Healthcare careers often require knowledge and understanding of the sciences, and technology. These fields are always changing and growing with new developments and discoveries. Therefore it’s imperative to have a basic understanding you can build on with continuing education throughout your career, to keep up with the latest changes and new information.
Health professionals have a huge responsibility for the health, well-being, and survival of others. Therefore, health professionals must be particularly adept and relating to other people, learning and gathering information about a patient, and applying it to the treatment and care of that patient based on medical knowledge.
For many healthcare roles, degrees and certifications are required for licensure to practice in a certain capacity. Many allied healthcare jobs require at least an associate’s degree, most nurses need bachelor’s degrees, and physicians and advanced practice nurses must have many years of post-graduate training to include master’s and doctorate degrees.
Kamis, 23 April 2009
Kiat mewujudkan kesuksesan....
Artikel yang ditulis oleh : Johanne Alarie ini cukup bagus untuk memotivasi dan memberikan pencerahan how to be suceesfull dalam perjalanan hidup kita. Monggo disimak, semoga bermanfaat.
Is it not what we all are dreaming of? Being a Success! We want to be successful in school, in our jobs, in our relationships. In fact, we dream about being successful in everything. But what a challenge this is! Most of the people believe that they just can't achieve great success because they don't have what it takes, or because they're not educated enough! They complain that luck is never on their side or that they weren't born to be successful, or even that they are too poor to ever even think about being something else! You know what? You don't need luck or any diploma to accomplish the success you deserve. You just need faith. Faith that you will indeed be successful, faith that you have all that it takes to make it to the top! You have to BELIEVE that YOU ARE the most successful person you ever met. If you don't believe in yourself, who on earth do you think will? The most successful persons in the world (businessmen (women), signers, physicians, etc.) all have that point in common: They all believed firmly that they were going to be exactly what they expected to be. They never doubted themselves, they had faith in their potentials and they were absolutely convinced that they would make it to the top! They never accepted a No for an answer. Nothing as ever stopped them, slowed down maybe, but never stopped! Well that is very neat on paper, but I can hear you tell me: "It's easier said than done! How can I have faith in myself, when all that I have done so far hasn't brought me the success I am dreaming of? Everything that I'm trying ends up in a mess! Oh, I have attained some results of course, but I want more than that!" And that could go on and on... There is a lot of things that ANYBODY can do to become a success in any field they choose: relationships, business, career, anything you can think of! First, you have to understand that you will need to make an effort, not necessarily a huge one, but let's put it that way: you will definitely need consistence in your doings. With anything that you're trying to attain if you don't give consistent efforts, you'll just simply NEVER get what you expect. The main point is to believe that YOU CAN be successful, and YOU WILL indeed. One good method I am using for years now is Affirmation. And that doesn‚t really take a great deal of an effort to do. Simply keep repeating to your self some sentences like these ones: - I am a successful person. - I can attain any success level I desire. - I will be rich because I deserve it! - Etc. There are some rules that have to be followed when using the Affirmation Method.
Never use any negative form in you sentences (i.e.: I will not fail in anything anymore. It's better to use: I will succeed in everything I'm undertaking from now on.) And trust me, affirmations really works! So if you affirm anything negative, this is what you'll get! So be aware of it, and very careful in your affirmations.
You also have to be repetitive. Repeat at least 10 to 20 times each affirmation every day, for several days. What I like to do when I have a goal to attain is to pick up 2 or 3 sentences that make sense to me. Then I write them down 10 times each, and I repeat the process for at least 7 days in a row.
Remember, consistency!!! You can even go further and do it for 2 to 3 weeks in a row. The longer you do it, the better results you'll get. You will be surprised on how effective that simple and easy method is. Few years ago I started with affirmations to help me care about my self. Yeah! I was like that! A person that didn't like herself enough to believe that she could do anything good. Well that simple method had simply change my life for the better! Now I am happy with myself, my life with my family and friends is fill with joy and happiness, I run a successful business in Graphic Arts and I do have a great success with my spare time e-businesses. So, let me tell you that this method can really change your life too if you only give it a try! I went from living in a stressful mood all the time, never expecting anything good could ever happen to me, to being loaded with confidence in my possibilities and chances of being successful in all the aspects of my life! And still sometimes when something doesn't go the way I want it, I grab my pen and start writing positive affirmations. And back on the good track I am! So pick up your pen, and start climbing the road to success! With that simple method you too can become successful in any of your goals. I simply wish the information I just gave you, will help you out! Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be more than glad to hear from you and discuss that method with you.
Is it not what we all are dreaming of? Being a Success! We want to be successful in school, in our jobs, in our relationships. In fact, we dream about being successful in everything. But what a challenge this is! Most of the people believe that they just can't achieve great success because they don't have what it takes, or because they're not educated enough! They complain that luck is never on their side or that they weren't born to be successful, or even that they are too poor to ever even think about being something else! You know what? You don't need luck or any diploma to accomplish the success you deserve. You just need faith. Faith that you will indeed be successful, faith that you have all that it takes to make it to the top! You have to BELIEVE that YOU ARE the most successful person you ever met. If you don't believe in yourself, who on earth do you think will? The most successful persons in the world (businessmen (women), signers, physicians, etc.) all have that point in common: They all believed firmly that they were going to be exactly what they expected to be. They never doubted themselves, they had faith in their potentials and they were absolutely convinced that they would make it to the top! They never accepted a No for an answer. Nothing as ever stopped them, slowed down maybe, but never stopped! Well that is very neat on paper, but I can hear you tell me: "It's easier said than done! How can I have faith in myself, when all that I have done so far hasn't brought me the success I am dreaming of? Everything that I'm trying ends up in a mess! Oh, I have attained some results of course, but I want more than that!" And that could go on and on... There is a lot of things that ANYBODY can do to become a success in any field they choose: relationships, business, career, anything you can think of! First, you have to understand that you will need to make an effort, not necessarily a huge one, but let's put it that way: you will definitely need consistence in your doings. With anything that you're trying to attain if you don't give consistent efforts, you'll just simply NEVER get what you expect. The main point is to believe that YOU CAN be successful, and YOU WILL indeed. One good method I am using for years now is Affirmation. And that doesn‚t really take a great deal of an effort to do. Simply keep repeating to your self some sentences like these ones: - I am a successful person. - I can attain any success level I desire. - I will be rich because I deserve it! - Etc. There are some rules that have to be followed when using the Affirmation Method.
Never use any negative form in you sentences (i.e.: I will not fail in anything anymore. It's better to use: I will succeed in everything I'm undertaking from now on.) And trust me, affirmations really works! So if you affirm anything negative, this is what you'll get! So be aware of it, and very careful in your affirmations.
You also have to be repetitive. Repeat at least 10 to 20 times each affirmation every day, for several days. What I like to do when I have a goal to attain is to pick up 2 or 3 sentences that make sense to me. Then I write them down 10 times each, and I repeat the process for at least 7 days in a row.
Remember, consistency!!! You can even go further and do it for 2 to 3 weeks in a row. The longer you do it, the better results you'll get. You will be surprised on how effective that simple and easy method is. Few years ago I started with affirmations to help me care about my self. Yeah! I was like that! A person that didn't like herself enough to believe that she could do anything good. Well that simple method had simply change my life for the better! Now I am happy with myself, my life with my family and friends is fill with joy and happiness, I run a successful business in Graphic Arts and I do have a great success with my spare time e-businesses. So, let me tell you that this method can really change your life too if you only give it a try! I went from living in a stressful mood all the time, never expecting anything good could ever happen to me, to being loaded with confidence in my possibilities and chances of being successful in all the aspects of my life! And still sometimes when something doesn't go the way I want it, I grab my pen and start writing positive affirmations. And back on the good track I am! So pick up your pen, and start climbing the road to success! With that simple method you too can become successful in any of your goals. I simply wish the information I just gave you, will help you out! Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be more than glad to hear from you and discuss that method with you.
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